Alfa Laval P3 decanter centrifuges help eliminate many of the problems associated with tailings dam operations and filtration technologies. They are a proven and effective dewatering solution for slimes, clays and silts and other fine tailings. The special deep-pond design, the unique conveyor and the optimized cone angle enable you to treat volumes. The resultant spadeable cake can be disposed of by co-disposal or dry stacking while the separated water can be recycled for reuse.
Built to last with highest throughput on the market
- Able to dewater ultrafine material < 10 micron in continuous operation
- Robust design (fully wear protected) for high reliability
- No filter cloth, limited quantity of wash-water at shutdown
- Low capital and installation cost
- Can be trialled on a pilot for proof of concept and then scaled up
How it works
Learn more
Read more about the efficiency, practicality and technical details of the Alfa Laval P3 solid-bowl decanter centrifuge by downloading the leaflet.

Ask the experts!
If you are looking for ways to increase the efficiency of your tailings management and make a meaningful contribution to the global sustainable development goals, contact Alfa Laval today to learn more about our proven and cost efficient solutions.