Deaeration modules ambient
Brewery module to provide deaeration of water at ambient temperature. Alfa Laval’s Aldox™ range of self-contained and pre-assembled deaeration modules offer hot or cold water deaeration with DO levels down to less than 10 ppb and carbon dioxide efficiency exceeding 95% for any capacity between 10 and 1800 hl/h. Aldox™ adapts easy and efficiently to your needs for capacity, complexity, deaeration level, automation, component selection or any other requirement.
Maximum deaeration, minimum maintenance
- Automatic control and plug-and-play for minimum site work
- Sanitary, compact design with low maintenance
- Stable and reliable operation under atmospheric pressure - no pressure vessels or vacuum pumps required
- Dissolved oxygen level to below 10 ppb
- Stripping gas losses of less than 5%
Services to extend your equipment performance
We support you with all types of services and training required for high performance and maximal ROI throughout the lifespan of your investment. With Alfa Laval as your service partner, you ensure reliable uptime and high efficiency while keeping total cost of ownership to a minimum.